Are you thinking of starting a business in the Middle East? Dubai Mainland is a great place to start your venture. Dubai is one of the most advanced cities in the world, and the government has put in place a range of initiatives to attract businesses from all over the world. In this article, we will look at 10 reasons why Dubai Mainland is the best place to start your business.

Dubai Mainland is the perfect location for any entrepreneur who wants to start a business in the UAE. Dubai Mainland is the central business district of the city of Dubai and is home to a range of businesses, from small start-ups to multinational corporations. The Dubai government has put in place a range of initiatives to support businesses in the mainland, making it an ideal location for new businesses.

Reason 1: Easy Business Setup Process

One of the biggest advantages of starting a business in Dubai Mainland is the easy business setup process. The Dubai government has put in place a range of initiatives to make it easy for businesses to set up in the city. The process of setting up a business in Dubai Mainland is straightforward, and it can be completed in just a few days.

Reason 2: Access to a Large Talent Pool

Dubai Mainland has a large and diverse talent pool, which is an advantage for any business. The city attracts people from all over the world, and the government has put in place initiatives to attract skilled professionals to the city. As a result, businesses in Dubai Mainland have access to a highly skilled and diverse workforce.

Reason 3: Tax Benefits

Dubai Mainland offers tax benefits to businesses. The UAE does not have a federal income tax system, which means that businesses operating in Dubai Mainland are not required to pay income tax. This can be a significant advantage for businesses, as it allows them to reinvest their profits into the business.

Reason 4: Strategic Location

Dubai Mainland is strategically located between Europe, Asia, and Africa. This makes it an ideal location for businesses that want to expand their reach and access new markets. The city is well-connected to the rest of the world, with a range of air and sea ports.

Reason 5: Business-Friendly Environment

Dubai Mainland is known for its business-friendly environment. The city has a range of initiatives to attract businesses and make it easy for them to operate. The government is supportive of businesses and is committed to creating a favorable business environment.

Reason 6: World-Class Infrastructure

Dubai Mainland has world-class infrastructure, which is essential for any business. The city has a range of modern facilities, including airports, seaports, and telecommunications infrastructure. The government has invested heavily in infrastructure to support businesses in the city.

Reason 7: Access to Funding

Dubai Mainland offers access to funding for businesses. The government has put in place initiatives to support startups and small businesses, including seed funding and venture capital. This can be a significant advantage for businesses that are looking to expand or invest in new products or services.

Reason 8: Range of Business Opportunities

Dubai Mainland offers a range of business opportunities. The city has a diverse economy, with opportunities in sectors such as finance, tourism, and real estate. This means that businesses in Dubai Mainland can tap into a range of markets and industries.

Reason 9: Proximity to Free Zones

Dubai Mainland is located close to a range of free zones. Free zones offer a range of benefits to businesses, including tax incentives, 100% foreign ownership, and streamlined business setup processes. Dubai Mainland businesses can benefit from the proximity to free zones by using them for their operations or by partnering with businesses located in the free zones.

Reason 10: Quality of Life

Dubai Mainland offers a high quality of life for residents and business owners. The city is known for its safety, cleanliness, and modern amenities. It has a range of entertainment and leisure options, making it an attractive location for employees and business owners alike.

Key Takeaway

Dubai Mainland is the best place to start your business for a range of reasons, including its easy business setup process, access to a large talent pool, tax benefits, strategic location, business-friendly environment, world-class infrastructure, access to funding, range of business opportunities, proximity to free zones, and high quality of life. The city has a range of initiatives in place to support businesses, making it an ideal location for entrepreneurs who want to start a business in the Middle East.


Dubai Mainland is the perfect location for any entrepreneur who wants to start a business in the UAE. The city offers a range of advantages, including its easy business setup process, access to a large talent pool, tax benefits, strategic location, business-friendly environment, world-class infrastructure, access to funding, range of business opportunities, proximity to free zones, and high quality of life. The government has put in place initiatives to support businesses, making it an ideal location for new businesses.


  1. What are the requirements for setting up a business in Dubai Mainland?

The requirements for setting up a business in Dubai Mainland vary depending on the type of business you want to establish. However, some general requirements include obtaining a trade license, registering with the Department of Economic Development (DED), and finding a local sponsor.

  1. How long does it take to set up a business in Dubai Mainland?

The business setup process in Dubai Mainland can take anywhere from one week to several months, depending on the type of business and the complexity of the setup process. However, the government has taken steps to streamline the process and make it as efficient as possible.

  1. What types of businesses are successful in Dubai Mainland?

Dubai Mainland is a hub for a variety of industries, including finance, real estate, hospitality, and healthcare. However, the city is also open to new and innovative businesses, making it an attractive location for entrepreneurs across various industries.

  1. How does Dubai Mainland compare to Dubai Free Zones for business setup?

While Dubai Free Zones offer many advantages for businesses, Dubai Mainland has its own unique benefits, including access to a larger talent pool, the ability to conduct business with government entities, and the option to partner with businesses located in the free zones.

  1. What tax incentives are available to businesses in Dubai Mainland?

Businesses in Dubai Mainland can take advantage of a range of tax incentives, including a 0% corporate tax rate and no personal income tax. However, it is important to consult with a tax professional to fully understand the tax laws in the UAE.

  1. What industries are thriving in Dubai Mainland?

Dubai Mainland is a hub for a variety of industries, including finance, real estate, hospitality, and healthcare. However, the city is also open to new and innovative businesses, making it an attractive location for entrepreneurs across various industries.

  1. What is the cost of living in Dubai Mainland?

The cost of living in Dubai Mainland varies depending on factors such as location, lifestyle, and housing. However, the city is known for its high standard of living and modern amenities.

  1. How is the infrastructure in Dubai Mainland?

Dubai Mainland has a world-class infrastructure, with modern transportation systems, state-of-the-art telecommunications networks, and high-quality healthcare facilities.

  1. How can businesses in Dubai Mainland access funding?

Businesses in Dubai Mainland can access funding through a variety of sources, including banks, venture capitalists, and government programs such as the Mohammed Bin Rashid Fund for SMEs.

  1. Is it easy to find talent in Dubai Mainland?

Dubai Mainland has a large and diverse talent pool, with professionals from all over the world working in the city. Additionally, the government has taken steps to attract and retain top talent, making it easier for businesses to find qualified employees.