Dubai, the vibrant and cosmopolitan city in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), has emerged as a global business hub and a preferred destination for entrepreneurs. With its strategic location, world-class infrastructure, favorable business environment, and attractive incentives, Dubai Mainland offers numerous benefits for incorporating your business. In this article, we will explore the top 5 advantages of setting up your business in Dubai Mainland.

Strategic Location

Dubai's strategic location between East and West positions it as a gateway to international markets. Situated at the crossroads of Europe, Africa, and Asia, the city offers excellent connectivity and access to a vast consumer base. With its modern airports, seaports, and advanced logistics infrastructure, Dubai provides businesses with seamless connectivity to global markets.

Business-Friendly Environment

Dubai Mainland boasts a business-friendly environment that encourages entrepreneurship and fosters growth. The city's government has implemented pro-business policies and regulations, making it easier for companies to establish and operate their businesses. The streamlined registration process, efficient government services, and transparent legal framework contribute to the ease of doing business in Dubai Mainland.

Tax Benefits

One of the significant advantages of incorporating your business in Dubai Mainland is the favorable tax regime. While the UAE has implemented a value-added tax (VAT) system, Dubai Mainland remains a tax-efficient jurisdiction for businesses. Companies operating in the mainland are exempt from corporate and personal income taxes, making it an attractive destination for entrepreneurs seeking to optimize their tax liabilities.

Wide Range of Business Activities

Dubai Mainland offers a diverse range of business activities that entrepreneurs can engage in. From trading and manufacturing to professional services and tourism, the city accommodates various industries and sectors. This flexibility allows entrepreneurs to choose the business activity that aligns with their expertise and market demand, providing them with ample opportunities for growth and profitability.

Access to Local and International Markets

Establishing your business in Dubai Mainland grants you access to both the local UAE market and international markets. Dubai's domestic market is vibrant and diverse, with a high purchasing power and a growing consumer base. Additionally, the city's strategic location and excellent infrastructure enable businesses to easily expand their operations and explore global markets, opening doors to new business prospects and international partnerships.

Key Takeaway

Incorporating your business in Dubai Mainland offers several compelling benefits, including its strategic location, business-friendly environment, tax advantages, diverse business activities, and access to local and international markets. These factors make Dubai an attractive destination for entrepreneurs and businesses looking to expand their horizons and tap into the immense potential offered by this thriving global city.


Dubai Mainland's business ecosystem presents a wealth of opportunities for entrepreneurs. From its strategic location to favorable tax policies and a diverse range of business activities, Dubai offers an ideal environment for setting up and growing your business. By capitalizing on the advantages provided by Dubai Mainland, entrepreneurs can pave their path to success and establish a strong presence in the global market.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1: How long does it take to incorporate a business in Dubai Mainland?
A: The time required to incorporate a business in Dubai Mainland can vary depending on the type of business activity and the completion of necessary documentation. However, the process typically takes between two to four weeks.

Q2: Do I need a local sponsor to set up a business in Dubai Mainland?
A: Yes, businesses in Dubai Mainland require a local sponsor who holds at least 51% ownership. However, certain free zones in Dubai allow full foreign ownership without the need for a local sponsor.

Q3: Are there any restrictions on hiring expatriate employees in Dubai Mainland?
A: Dubai Mainland allows businesses to hire expatriate employees; however, it is important to comply with the UAE's labor laws and obtain the necessary work permits and visas for foreign employees.

Q4: What are the advantages of Dubai Mainland over free zones?
A: Dubai Mainland offers a broader range of business activities and allows access to the local market, while free zones provide 100% foreign ownership, tax exemptions, and simplified incorporation procedures.

Q5: Can I operate my Dubai Mainland business from abroad?
A: Yes, it is possible to operate your Dubai Mainland business remotely, but you will need to appoint a local representative who can handle certain administrative and legal requirements on your behalf.

Q6: What is the cost of incorporating a business in Dubai Mainland?
A: The cost of incorporating a business in Dubai Mainland can vary depending on various factors such as the type of business activity, office space, and government fees. It is advisable to consult with a business setup specialist for an accurate cost estimate.

Q7: Are there any restrictions on repatriating profits from a Dubai Mainland business?
A: Dubai Mainland does not impose restrictions on repatriating profits. Businesses are allowed to repatriate their profits and capital without any limitations.

Q8: Can I open a bank account for my Dubai Mainland business?
A: Yes, upon successful incorporation, you can open a corporate bank account for your Dubai Mainland business. Dubai offers a wide range of local and international banks to choose from.

Q9: What is the difference between mainland and free zone businesses in Dubai?
A: Mainland businesses require a local sponsor, allow access to the local market, and have more freedom in terms of business activities. Free zone businesses provide 100% foreign ownership, tax exemptions, and operate within specific geographic areas.

Q10: Is there a minimum capital requirement for incorporating a business in Dubai Mainland?
A: Dubai Mainland does not mandate a minimum capital requirement for most business activities. However, certain professional and commercial activities may have specific capital requirements.

Q11: Can I own multiple businesses in Dubai Mainland?
A: Yes, you can own multiple businesses in Dubai Mainland, provided you comply with the legal requirements and have the necessary resources to manage multiple ventures.

Q12: What are the office space requirements for Dubai Mainland businesses?
A: Dubai Mainland businesses are required to have a physical office space as per the regulations. The specific office space requirements vary depending on the type of business activity.

Q13: Can I convert my free zone business to a Dubai Mainland business?
A: Yes, it is possible to convert a free zone business to a Dubai Mainland business. The process involves certain procedures, including canceling the free zone license and obtaining the necessary approvals.

Q14: Is it possible to relocate a business from another country to Dubai Mainland?
A: Yes, it is possible to relocate a business from another country to Dubai Mainland. However, it is essential to comply with the legal requirements, obtain the necessary approvals, and fulfill any specific conditions.